Monday, May 25, 2020

Tone in Sylvia Plath Poem - 1058 Words

Tone in â€Å"Mirror† by Sylvia Plath In â€Å"Mirror† by Sylvia Plath, the speaker is represented as a mirror that reflects the life and actions of another human being. The speaker develops a casually detached tone right from the beginning of the poem, but also portrays an accepting mood by the end of the work. These tones and moods are expressed through the use of diction, punctuation, metaphors, and imagery. The tone of this poem fluctuates and makes it difficult for the reader to grasp the emotions of the speaker due to the fact that it is a very short piece. The first stanza of â€Å"Mirror† starts off extremely straightforward and detached from any emotion. The speaker says, †I am silver and exact.†(1) â€Å"I have no preconceptions†(1). These first†¦show more content†¦The women that bends over her comes to her daily, just as most humans use a mirror daily, and â€Å"[searches her] reaches for what she really is†(11). The metaphor of a lake comes in when the speaker begins to describe the women’s actions through imagery. The women tends to cry, â€Å"rewards me with tears†(14) and use hand movement, â€Å"an agitation of hands†(14) most likely in rage or disapproval of herself in front of the mirror. Line 14 uses diction that many would connect with one looking at themselves in a lake/water reflection. The speaker reveals that the women comes back daily and sees in her â€Å"she has drowned a young girl†(17). This description of action resembles the use of mirrors by people to find themselves and see in them what others do not. Many women use the mirror to help cover up flaws or to stand in front of and use as an accepting net while they cry or release emotion. In this piece the speaker is standing as an accepting item for this women and knows just what is behind this women’s life. The speaker states â€Å" each morning it is her face that replaces darkness†(16). This use of imagery helps readers envision a women stepping into a mirror in the morning and facing what life has to offer that day. The speaker metaphorically being a lake and describing events through the poetic device of imagery helps create a tone of acceptance by giving the speaker a sense of attachment to someone and makes the stanzaShow MoreRelatedLady Lazarus by Sylvia Plath - Poetry Analysis1110 Words   |  5 PagesLady Lazarus was written by Sylvia Plath. On a literal level, this poem is about death and attempting suicide. It is most likely that it was written from Plaths personal experience as she was known for her suicidal nature. This poem has 28 tercet stanzas. There is no clear rhyme scheme yet rhyming can be found throughout this poem, for example I have done it again/One year in every ten, so there is an irregular rhyme scheme. 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